Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Usefulness of HP Laser Printer Cartridge’s Material Safety Data Sheet

Most of the manufacturers of printers, printing inks, and other printing supplies need to show an MSDS for all the products that they are releasing. We are aware that Hewlett-Packard is one of the companies that top in the printing industries. No matter how they top, they are not exempted from complying the requirement. As a matter of fact, HP is also very strict when it comes to complying with the ruling. There are several MSDS that can actually be seen on their website for every printer ink cartridge that they are selling.

Your Guide For Locating an msds software for an HP Laser Printer Cartridge

When you visit the HP website, you will learn that there are several MSDS intended for different products of HP. All you have to do is search for the specific MSDS that you need in their very own website. By the moment that you are already in the website just scroll down and click the company information tab.

You will then be welcomed with the HP Eco-Solutions page. On the menu bar of this page can be found the link to the MSDS's released by HP for their printer cartridges. It is up to you to browse for you can browse according to the language or the product code.

HP Laser Printer Cartridge MSDS Sample

In order that you will get an idea of what a typical MSDS of an HP laser printer cartridge is all about, here is a sample among those that is stated on the HP website. What we got for you as an example is the HP LaserJet 92274A. This toner formulation is used for the LaserJet 4P/4MP and 4L/4ML.

* Emphasis on Health Hazards

 You should remember that it is not advisable to inhale the HP laser printer cartridge nor the skin will come in contact with it. Even though it is stated that the cartridge has a low toxicity level, it can still cause mild irritations when inhaled or when it comes in contact with the skin. Consumers must also be careful not to digest it.

* First Aid Treatment

If in case the product will come in contact with the skin or the eyes, or worst, swallowed, it is very important to apply a first aid treatment immediately. By the moment that the ink will affect the eyes, you need to flush it out with warm water. If in case the ink touches the skin, the only advice is to clean the affected area with water and a mild soap.

* The Fire Hazard

The ink in of the HP laser printer cartridge is not flammable. This can be read in its online msds sheets. If in case there will be fire brought by it, it is treated as electrical fire.

You always need to read the MSDS of every product that you buy. It also advisable that you keep things like this out of reach from children in order to avoid accidents and harm.

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1 comment:

  1. I've heard of an MSDS before, but I don't know how to interpret the information on them. Is there a guide to what they mean? I never really look at them now, but it would be useful to know how to read the sheets in case some day I need to.
    Claudia Rosenburg |
